Is Your Colour Palette Sabotaging your SEO Efforts?

Is Your Colour Palette Sabotaging your SEO Efforts?

ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act) and WCAG(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliance guarantees inclusive digital access by guiding the use of colors and web content that accommodate all users, from visual to cognitive impairments. Read further to find out how your design and color choice can affect your rankings!

Poor User Experience:
Non compliant colors can lead to higher bounce rates an lower time on site due to poor readability and and challenging navigation. This can signal low content value to search engines, hurting your rankings.

Reduced Accessibility & Engagement:
Non-compliant colors can lead to higher bounce rates and lower time on site due to poor readability and challenging navigation. This can signal low content value to search engines, hurting your rankings.

Legal and Reputational Risks
In some cases in many countries, non-compliance with ADA and WCAG guidelines can lead to legal challenges, which can negatively impact your business and its reputation.

Sign up for one of our coaching sessions, or reach out for a customized SEO action plan to learn more.

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